Self-Assessment for OCD

Painite is using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Test,which will collect the scores of your answers to assess the severity and different symptoms in people with OCD.

1. How much do your obsessive thoughts interfere with functioning in your social, work, or other roles?

2. How much do your obsessive thoughts interfere with functioning in your social, work, or other roles?

3. How much distress do your obsessive thoughts cause you?

4. How much of an effort do you make to resist the obsessive thoughts?

5. How much control do you have over your obsessive thoughts?

6. How much time do you spend performing compulsive behaviors?

7. How much do your compulsive behaviors interfere with functioning in your social, work, or other roles?

8. How anxious would you become if you were prevented from performing your compulsive behaviors?

9. How much of an effort do you make to resist the compulsions?

10. How much control do you have over the compulsions?

This scale is not designed to make a diagnosis of OCD or take the place of a professional diagnosis. \n If you suspect that you suffer from the symptoms, please consult a mental health professional as soon as possible.